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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sandia Says They are Done with Eestor

Wonder why Sandia has no more Email about Eestor after September 2010? They stop mentioning Eestor in email. For example, I spoke with Ross (subject of the recently closed Sandia FOIA request) in April 2011. Here is what he said to me in response:


Fred called me and requested an interview but I sent him to you.


I manage the stationary energy storage program… not the vehicle energy storage program. The battery chemistry’s, cycling requirements, and cost targets are different. Stationary storage deals with managing electric power grid applications. Given this, you may not want to talk with me. The primary labs responsible for development of energy vehicle storage are Argonne National Lab or Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (I don’t have any contacts for you).

You can also reach Stephanie Holinka at_________.

